Children who grow up in families where abuse of alcohol, suffer and learn practices that hinder their lives. They are often victims of violence and harassment, and often become victims of sexual abuse.
Many children are trying to maintain the secrecy of drinking parents are ashamed of what their parents do, even when inviting more friends of alcoholics, these children have a sense that they are worse than others but try to protect the good name of the family.
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Conceal and suppress their feelings, they feel lonely, often suffer from various diseases, because their opaczność is exhausted by the stress. Some children take on excessive responsibility for family problems and take over the responsibilities of adults. Children strongly try to repair your errors and omissions, their behavior they want to please others.
They can not have fun. Some children try to accommodate any price to abnormal and threatening family environment, absorbed in self destruction and chaos. Some children, despite his suffering, trying to be caring and concern for others, are ready for sacrifice, they put much effort into helping those who suffer and are lost.
How to help
The complete process of helping children from families of alcoholics has five distinct, more or less time with each other related objectives:
First demonstrating its commitment and readiness to listen to your child while ensuring full discretion,
Second open to address the issue of drinking and alcoholism in the family,
Third provide basic concepts and information on alcoholism,
4th Help your child realize the alcoholism of parents,
5th assist a child to benefit from further assistance.