Risk factors of cancer

All the factors and situations that increase the likelihood of human illness with cancer are called risk factors. Factors that increase the risk of cancer may be:

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Exogenous - environmental issues (such as ultraviolet radiation), the working environment (eg working with asbestos), the so-called. the usual factors (eg cigarette smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, larynx and other organs).
Intrinsic - Factors associated with hormonal disturbances (significant level of estrogen in the body may be a risk factor for breast cancer and reproductive organs), some forms of cervical erosion and degeneration of the breast, abnormal narrowing, gastrointestinal polyps, infertility.

Below is a relationship between risk factors and the development of various types of cancer:

It was a clear relationship between diet and the incidence of cancer. Food increases the risk of cancer particularly stomach, colon, rectum, esophagus cancer, liver and bladder. Risk factors resulting from the diet is:
total amount of calories;
composition of food
contamination of food and water;
improper storage of food;
Incorrect preparation of food.

Particular attention is paid to carcinogenic substances in food, particularly on nitrosamines and other N-nitro compounds, where small amounts are always present in the food and that can be produced directly in the stomach. Nitrosamines are among the most dangerous substances that cause cancer. These substances are present in many foods such as vegetables (residues of fertilizers, pesticides) as well as preservatives in meat, cheese, beer. The risk of stomach cancer is particularly high when a large intake of cured, heavily salted and smoked foods consisting of containing nitrate, ammonium nitrate, which is influenced by gastric or pancreatic juice is converted by bacteria into nitrite. Nitrite, in turn, can connect to a protein that is found in foods or in the body, forming carcinogenic nitrosamines.

B enzopiren is another compound increases the risk of developing cancer of the stomach and intestines. The source of his food is the smoking process during which produces substances such as meat refresher benzopyrene, which penetrates the outer surface of the smoked products. Benzopyrene also arise from the melting of fat during frying and roasting on an open fire (barbecue). The main burden polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which include benzopyrene is associated with plant products, in particular nutrients to plants grown nearby roads and industrial areas. Benzopyrene accumulates particularly in the green cabbage and lettuce, while washing them does not remove hydrocarbons from the surface of the leaves.


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