Whether you want to do it for sport or personal reasons, weight gain is not as simple as it may seem. For many people, getting a few extra pounds can be as difficult as losing them.
Often a change of diet allows you to add a few pounds. However, if you want to get the extra weight permanently, proceed as follows.
Things you need
1. motivation
2. training
3. proper diet
4. rest
Eat nutritious products that are high in calories. Good examples are: whole grain bread, vegetables such as avocados, potatoes and beans, lean red meat, poultry and fish. Increases the calorific value of their meals. Add powdered milk to casseroles to add the calories, add avocado to sandwiches and olives, a favorite muesli add wheat germ, the sauce, which are served with pasta, add the chopped meat, and so on. Avoid irregular meals. Gaining extra weight, it requires regular food. You should eat three meals a day and besides, at least two snacks.
MUST SEE: The 3 Week Diet
Increase your normal portion of food. Add the extra tablespoon of pasta, and oatmeal instead of the one add two bananas. If you have a choice, eat meals contain more calories.
For example, corn has more calories than green peas. Relax - excessive nervousness and anxiety can burn many calories, which are getting so hard you try. Start training. This helps to build muscle mass. Balance the calories you eat with the amount you burn. It may happen that you burn more of them than you take. You need to slow down if necessary to the exercise program.
Remember to put on weight quickly you must follow three basic principles:
First adequate food
Second Sleeping / rest
Third weightlifting
Do not make major mistakes. Many people think that to put on weight just eat what falls into - this is not true. You need to eat properly and do not eat empty calories. Because you do not want to increase the volume of fat - you want lean muscle mass. Apply appropriate rules, you'll see how quickly you can gain extra weight. Just a little patience and discipline, and the results will come soon.
Tips and Warnings
If you have any physical problems and hormonal imbalances, you should contact your doctor.
Limit consumption of excess fat and sweets, even though it seems the fastest way to gain a few pounds more. Eat fats and oils in moderation, they should constitute no more than 30% of total calorie intake.